Perhaps this question quite often asked by people around us (perhaps even our own). We discussed a bit about the color of this mode.

RGB stands for Red, Green, Blue, and when all those colors combined, created by the white color. RGB held the status as "additive color", or the cool language of colorlighting. RGB color is the color of the principles used by the electronic media such astelevision, computer monitor, and scanner. Therefore, the RGB color display is alwaysbright and pleasant, because it was the setting for the display monitor, not printed, somore freely in the play of colors. But it does not mean RGB does not have a problem.RGB color display is always tied to the capacity / ability to use computer graphics. Sowhen we use computers that have a good graphic card and LCD monitor, the RGB colordisplay would be much better than tube monitors with graphic card is mediocre.
In addition, it is 3 basic colors that are universally used as a benchmark color (primarycolors). On the basis of RGB, a designer can change the colors to the codes so that thenumber of colors will appear universal.
Example: blue light by the public is a blue sky on a sunny day, it can be different for other people to consider others.
For the same perception of color definition, should the international standards in the context of professional work. With the standard RGB, a designer can tell the color of the composition of sheer numbers, the color blue has a composition blend of elements Red,Green, Blue with a degree of figures for R: 115 - G: 221 - B: 240.
Other international color standard used for the printing world is an abbreviation of the CMYK Cyan - Magenta - Yellow, and K represents black. As with RGB, CMYK color standardization in the use of coordinates. It is between 0 -100 to determine the presence of K elements. Regardless of its CMY coordinates, for the K is 100, the color will be black.
CMYK is the standard base color pigment-based, to adapt to industry-standard printing.Until now, the world of print-printing using four basic colors to create any color.
Use image processing software is intended for two main interests, for web and print.Both are mutually contradictory, to print, size and best quality is the most dominant.Meanwhile, the most important thing in making the graphics for the web is to create afile as small as possible.
Web pictures it takes pictures with a resolution of 72 dpi RGB, while the requirement ofwearing a type of printing (CMYK) with a resolution of 300 dpi.
Standard resolution is common and widely accepted. This value is the most reliableresolution to be seen by human eyes. If the higher resolution, the human eye can notknow the difference. Thus, 300 dpi is considered sufficient for the broadcast.
In contrast to the text, the greater the resolution required that 400 dpi. Considering thetext usually consists of one color.
Resolution and size affect the amount of files. For example, in a CMYK image with asize of 5 x 5 inch and a resolution of 300 dpi. So the file size is approximately equal to(5 x 300) x (5 x 300) = 600 x 600 = 360,000 = 8.58 Mb (Please check with theapplication of a combination of Photoshop).
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